Saturday, May 19, 2007

My ferocious hunting dogs

Two days ago it was a squirrel. Yesterday another squirrel. Both dead and buried. Today, a sparrow flew into the house and tried frantically to fly out through the *clear* windows. Dogs spotted it and cornered it behind the sofa. Stopped them from murdering it, but they seem to have seriously injured it. Picked it up and took it outside, tried to feed it bread but it wouldn't eat. Kept opening and closing its mouth piteously. Held it up and tried to see if it would fly away, but it rolled off the tissue, fell to the ground about 10 cm below, and died, blood coming out of its beak and creating a small puddle on the tissue. Buried peacefully in the red soil. Dogs look unrepentant. Guess that's what they are, hunting dogs.


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