Saturday, November 25, 2006

Toe Mah Toe ``````````````````````````````

After much observation and research, I have come to the conclusion that both my small toes are retarded. Retarded as in abnormal. They look like shriveled up pieces of pink potatoes, the ones you find right at the back of the vegetable stall, left alone in a dark dusty corner to die. As for the nails on my poor toes, they don't even exist! I really am not happy with the miserable state of my toes. Oh and one more thing, I always seem to be smashing them against the wall or the bed post or some other thing. I cracked the bone in my left toe once when I was around 12 or 13 and it never really recovered, so I guess that is the reason for its retardedness. As for the other toe, it probably became abnormal just to annoy me. Sad.


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