Today is a saturday! and yesterday was a friday! i hate fridays. i hated yesterday. it wasn't the best day of my life, for a few reasons:
1) PE (I CANNOT play basketball)
2) IST (The teacher was yelling away and i had no idea what was going on)
3) Math test (Headache!!)
4) English - We watched part of an extremely boring movie about this sad gardener who spent half his life watching TV and has never been outside the house. Suddenly, the movie became a full-blown kissing and making out scene with some woman who had magically appeared on the screen. Oooookaaay..
5) Got yelled at by a taxi man - while waiting for our parents at the bus stop, my friend saw a taxi. She was like "Oooh taxi" and waved her hands. I giggled and joined her. STUPID MISTAKE. The taxi stopped in front of us and the door opened. The indian taxi driver demanded that we go in and we were like "uhh.. no thank you." He got really mad and started yelling at us. "What the.." Thank God this woman came along and hopped in the taxi and off they went. PHEW. I learnt my lesson.
6) Tennis - on a normal day, I would enjoy tennis oh so much. but for some reason, my idiot brother made my dad so mad and the tennis match ended quite unsatisfyingly.
7) Missed Play - Tickets to the Romeo and Juliet Play at alice smith were sold out. I was too late. And apparently the play was VERY good.
8) Stomachache - too much junkfood and snacks ><
9) Depressing book - P.S. Your Cat Is Dead. What kind of a book is that?? A depressing one of course! I'll read you part of the back cover : It's New Year's Eve in NYC. Your best friend died in September, you've been robbed TWICE, your girlfriend is leaving you, you've lost your job.. and the only one left to talk to is the gay burglar you've got tied up in the kitchen....P.S. your cat is dead. .........I know, VERY interesting.
10) Bored/Sleepy/Lost/Blur/Confused - WHAT A DAY!!!
But WHO CARES! Its a saturday! What am I gonna do on this wonderful day? My geography and history and english and PE assignments of course! Due next week!! I'm sad, I know. Oh well I shouldn't be making you depressed too. I can't wait for monday. BYEEEEE BE HAPPY!!
I'll be happy!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Omigosh, you know WHAT?!?! I signed in to our blog, then I wanted to sign in to my gmail account, so I went to, and I was going through all my e-mails and wondering why you'd put the webstat to my account rather than yours. Lots of spam which I deleted. Some mail from someone named Su Jin, whom I didn't recognize and was trying to figure out how I knew her when it suddenly occured to me that I WAS READING YOUR MAIL!!! Lol.
Athletics is going okay, didn't run in the 4x100m finals, the reserve ran. Last anyway. 100m hurdles (which I really wanted to win and go to state for) I was 4th (NOOOOOO), 400m sixth (Don't really care for this event) and 2nd for 400m hurdles. Wasn't sure if I was happy or upset to win this event as it probably means I'm going to state for this event and it's so TIRING. Gosh. Oh, and I couldn't believe the timing I set for the 400m hurdles as its apparently only three seconds slower than my 400m. I thought it would be at least ten seconds slower. It proves that a) I have no idea what timing I'm supposed to be setting as I haven't been going for training regularly; b) My 400m timing is lousy or c) My hurdling technique is awesome. Tomorrow's the last day with 4x400m. Here's hoping for a medal!!
Offer your teacher some listerine, he might get the hint.
Lotsa love,
Athletics is going okay, didn't run in the 4x100m finals, the reserve ran. Last anyway. 100m hurdles (which I really wanted to win and go to state for) I was 4th (NOOOOOO), 400m sixth (Don't really care for this event) and 2nd for 400m hurdles. Wasn't sure if I was happy or upset to win this event as it probably means I'm going to state for this event and it's so TIRING. Gosh. Oh, and I couldn't believe the timing I set for the 400m hurdles as its apparently only three seconds slower than my 400m. I thought it would be at least ten seconds slower. It proves that a) I have no idea what timing I'm supposed to be setting as I haven't been going for training regularly; b) My 400m timing is lousy or c) My hurdling technique is awesome. Tomorrow's the last day with 4x400m. Here's hoping for a medal!!
Offer your teacher some listerine, he might get the hint.
Lotsa love,
Hey hey dahling Melz. Good luck with your athletics!! I know you can do it!! lolz. You must be pretty tanned already.. remember to slather on loads and loads of sunblock lotion!! You don't want to get skin cancer at such a young and innocent age!!! lolz. When you run, think of me! Imagine I'm right behind you! lolz. I'm sure that'll make you run faster. lolz. jkjk. I'm feeling a little doozy woozy oozy. Maybe its because I'm in IST class. OMG the teacher's breath stinks. Its like a mixture of cigarette smoke, sour onions, and yesterday's dinner. he should brush his teeth. I'm bored and I'm totally lost. I have absolutely no idea what to do. Ah wellz here he comes again. Ciao and good luck!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
iPod?!?! an iPOD?!?!?!?! WHAAAAAAAT?! Is that good fortune or what?! Not that I'm jealous or anything (At least..I don't THINK so...hmmm). Yay for you!!
Anyway, don't you love holidays?? I do :) Poor thing, you had school last week. Anyway, its athletics again this week, district level. We just, JUST managed to get in for 4x100m finals, we all thought we hadn't qualified but WE'RE THE EIGHTH TEAM TO GET THROUGH!! Not a lot to be proud of, but hey, we're faster than we were during practice. Although that doesn't detract from the fact that the fastest team is 5 seconds ahead of us.
Anyway, don't you love holidays?? I do :) Poor thing, you had school last week. Anyway, its athletics again this week, district level. We just, JUST managed to get in for 4x100m finals, we all thought we hadn't qualified but WE'RE THE EIGHTH TEAM TO GET THROUGH!! Not a lot to be proud of, but hey, we're faster than we were during practice. Although that doesn't detract from the fact that the fastest team is 5 seconds ahead of us.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Today was shocking. My friends and i were walking past an Apple store and I told them how badly i wanted an ipod. Sadly, there is no chance of me getting one cause my dad thinks its a waste of money and mom thinks it'll ruin my eardrums. haha. But I walked in anyway and grabbed a brochure, just in case.
Later, we were celebrating mom's bday at home. Mom and dad attended a golf competition dinner thingie earlier and my dad won the competition thingy. So he showed us the prizes he won - golf balls, shirts, an electronic putter thing, a golf club etc. My mom seemed particularly excited about something, but I thought she was just happy cause its her bday. Then my dad said "Now its time for the best prize!!" and asked us to guess what it was. He said it was "a toy every kid would love". A toy? I don't want/need a toy. Without thinking, i blurted out "iPod..??" My parents smiled. From under the table, my dad whipped out a black box. On the cover was the unmistakable Apple logo. NO WAY. I screamed. I snatched the box from him. I was ecstatic. "I TOLD YOU I'M PSYCHIC!!!" My dad snatched the box back. They were all laughing at my reaction. overreaction actually. Mom said "You have to share it with your brother and sister" SHARE?? WITH THOSE PEOPLE?? NO WAY. But I was too happy to argue. They don't need an iPod anyway; I do. Dad took forever to unwrap the box. I was fidgeting impatiently. The outer cover slipped off. The box opened. Then I saw it. Sitting peacefully in the box was that thing. It was sleek and elegant. It was black and uber cool. It was the most beautiful thing I've seen all week. I reached out for it. I held it in my hands, it was so fragile, so awesome. I was mumbling something, unable to accept the fact that I, CTMC now am the very proud owner of an iPod. i've been waiting so many years for this moment. i was so happy i could burst into tears. I HAVE AN IPOD! this is so UNBELIEVABLE. "Thankyouthankyoutahnkyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!!" *hug* *kiss* *hug*
Apparently mom and dad won it from a lucky draw. WHY ARE WE SO LUCKY?? That is so weird. But I don't care, I HAVE AN IPOD!! And unlike the other 4 phones I've lost (>.<), I will guard and take care of this iPod with my life. Yay yay yay. Lucky lucky luckylucky.
Later, we were celebrating mom's bday at home. Mom and dad attended a golf competition dinner thingie earlier and my dad won the competition thingy. So he showed us the prizes he won - golf balls, shirts, an electronic putter thing, a golf club etc. My mom seemed particularly excited about something, but I thought she was just happy cause its her bday. Then my dad said "Now its time for the best prize!!" and asked us to guess what it was. He said it was "a toy every kid would love". A toy? I don't want/need a toy. Without thinking, i blurted out "iPod..??" My parents smiled. From under the table, my dad whipped out a black box. On the cover was the unmistakable Apple logo. NO WAY. I screamed. I snatched the box from him. I was ecstatic. "I TOLD YOU I'M PSYCHIC!!!" My dad snatched the box back. They were all laughing at my reaction. overreaction actually. Mom said "You have to share it with your brother and sister" SHARE?? WITH THOSE PEOPLE?? NO WAY. But I was too happy to argue. They don't need an iPod anyway; I do. Dad took forever to unwrap the box. I was fidgeting impatiently. The outer cover slipped off. The box opened. Then I saw it. Sitting peacefully in the box was that thing. It was sleek and elegant. It was black and uber cool. It was the most beautiful thing I've seen all week. I reached out for it. I held it in my hands, it was so fragile, so awesome. I was mumbling something, unable to accept the fact that I, CTMC now am the very proud owner of an iPod. i've been waiting so many years for this moment. i was so happy i could burst into tears. I HAVE AN IPOD! this is so UNBELIEVABLE. "Thankyouthankyoutahnkyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!!" *hug* *kiss* *hug*
Apparently mom and dad won it from a lucky draw. WHY ARE WE SO LUCKY?? That is so weird. But I don't care, I HAVE AN IPOD!! And unlike the other 4 phones I've lost (>.<), I will guard and take care of this iPod with my life. Yay yay yay. Lucky lucky luckylucky.
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Guess who's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack????!!!!
That's right, the one, the only, the FAMOUS MdeBCMM!!
I know, I know you adoring fans have missed me. I'm sorry, its been athletics and Forensics and exams and photo day and things. Oh, and JAPAN!!!!!
especially MdeB.
NO I AM NOT!! And you're not famous btw, you're INFAMOUS. BIG difference. Sane ppl don't randomly shout "Oi, you!! Yes, you!!" at unsuspecting skiers.
BUT HE WAS A FRIEND!!!! Yeah, right *rolls eyes* Anyway, we made pancakes today. and we learnt something: NEVER PUT MORE WATER THAN THE RECIPE REQUIRES.
Hello??? It tasted BETTER with more water. Pancake batter is SUPPOSED to be watery, NOT THICK AND CLUMPY.
BUT that doesn;t matter, i mean, the BATTER doesn't matter; its the PANCAKES that do. Imagine: a building was once an ugly clumpy thicky blob of cement, and at the end, it turns out so pretty and perfect. hee hee.
Buildings tend to be rectangular and tall and hard. Soooo unlike pancakes. We had perfectly round, fluffy pancakes earlier. Aaaaaaanyway, we made a birthday card for JY last night!!!! She's turning 4!! YAY!!!
YEAH i drew monkeys and a neurotic girl waving her arms off!! JY will be ecstatic!! did you know she collects lollipops but never eats them? what a waste of candy!!!!!! SHE IS SO CUTE.. and smart and talkative and adorable and she's so annoyingly meticulous.
I'm going home in 1 1/4 hours. I'm going to my school's Leo IU. Aloha, Beautiful World.
mdebcmm is gonna wear a hawaii print dress!!!!!!!!! must come and see ok!!!! Err, right.
End of message. Terminating in

Guess who's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack????!!!!
That's right, the one, the only, the FAMOUS MdeBCMM!!
I know, I know you adoring fans have missed me. I'm sorry, its been athletics and Forensics and exams and photo day and things. Oh, and JAPAN!!!!!
especially MdeB.
NO I AM NOT!! And you're not famous btw, you're INFAMOUS. BIG difference. Sane ppl don't randomly shout "Oi, you!! Yes, you!!" at unsuspecting skiers.
BUT HE WAS A FRIEND!!!! Yeah, right *rolls eyes* Anyway, we made pancakes today. and we learnt something: NEVER PUT MORE WATER THAN THE RECIPE REQUIRES.
Hello??? It tasted BETTER with more water. Pancake batter is SUPPOSED to be watery, NOT THICK AND CLUMPY.
BUT that doesn;t matter, i mean, the BATTER doesn't matter; its the PANCAKES that do. Imagine: a building was once an ugly clumpy thicky blob of cement, and at the end, it turns out so pretty and perfect. hee hee.
Buildings tend to be rectangular and tall and hard. Soooo unlike pancakes. We had perfectly round, fluffy pancakes earlier. Aaaaaaanyway, we made a birthday card for JY last night!!!! She's turning 4!! YAY!!!
YEAH i drew monkeys and a neurotic girl waving her arms off!! JY will be ecstatic!! did you know she collects lollipops but never eats them? what a waste of candy!!!!!! SHE IS SO CUTE.. and smart and talkative and adorable and she's so annoyingly meticulous.
I'm going home in 1 1/4 hours. I'm going to my school's Leo IU. Aloha, Beautiful World.
mdebcmm is gonna wear a hawaii print dress!!!!!!!!! must come and see ok!!!! Err, right.
End of message. Terminating in
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