Saturday, December 16, 2006

GINGERBREAD COOKIES `````````````````````````````````````````````````````

I was feeling Chrismassy so i baked a ton of gingerbread cookies yesterday. There was leftover dough so I baked some more this morning. They turned out really well and they look so so cute. I cut them into shapes like ELEPHANTS(awwwwwwww), TEDDYBEARS(awwwwwwwwwwww), PINEAPPLES(AWWWWWWWWWWWWW) and last but definitely(hah mdebcmm, i spelt that right) not least, CHRISTMAS TREES! And I put loads of delicious colourful scrumptilicious icing on them. I wish I had some pictures to make you go awwwwwwwwwww but the camera is with my sis who's in Singapore. So I'll just have to draw it out(only the christmas tree one though):
SEEEE??!! Only they looked way cuter in real life.

After making a huge mess of the kitchen, My family and I(minus the sister) went off to Duta Tennis Courts for the FAMILY DAY TENNIS FRIENDLY MATCH(Yes, friendly) It was fun! My friend and I partnered up for doubles and went on to show all the old ladies what fabulous players we were. We were so good, we almost won all the three matches we played. If it wasn't for the two hundred and fifty-two mistakes I made, we could have won one game! Or maybe even two! No no, we didn't lose any games, we ALMOST, just almost won all the games we played. After the last game, my legs felt like rubber and my feet was making my life very difficult so we shot back home. After a nice hot shower, I plopped on my favourite notsocomfortable chair and gave my feet a massage in my darling iSqueeze. Getting a feet massage while sipping iced sky juice in a messy airconditioned room, life could not be better.


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